Statics / Gravity
Weight of stones
Each rock has a certain weight (bulk density, specific gravity), which is usually expressed in tonnes per cubic metre (to/m3).
Weight of different rocks:
- Granite: 2.6 to/m3 bis 3.0 to/m3
- Marble: 2.7 to/m3 bis 2.9 to/m3
- Basalt: 2.9 to/m3 bis 3.2 to/m3
- Gneiss: 2.5 to/m3 bis 2.95 to/m3
- Sandstone 2.0 to/m3 bis 2.8 to/m3
- Tufa 1.5 to/m3 bis 2.8 to/m3
- Limestone 1.5 to/m3 bis 2.75 to/m3
- Quarzit 2.6 to/m3
Void ratio
When building a dry stone wall, individual stones are piled up to form the body of the wall. Between the individual stones remain the interstices. Depending on the shape of the stones and the skill of the mason, more or less voids remain.
According to Mundell (2009), the void ratio is 20% - 45% of the full volume, depending on the quality of the construction. This void ratio must be subtracted when calculating the weight of a wall section made of drystone masonry.